It was rather nice not to have to leap out of bed at 6.00 this morning as I wasn't going to work until the afternoon. By 7.30 I was downstairs and getting to grips with the kitchen. The trouble with our house is that no sooner do I clear surfaces of all those piles of paperwork or tools or stuff, then they are seen as an invitation to store all those items that the rest of the family can't be bothered to put away at the moment. I finally managed to replace a few missing wall tiles that needed doing in the kitchen, not a good job but adequate and I'll finish the grouting tomorrow.
There was a brief interlude of bright sunshine during which I had a little wander around the garden.
We had over 3 cms of rain last night and the stream had spread right over the bog garden. It was an easy afternoon at school and afterwards I managed to make a good start on some new displays for this half-term. As I left school the sky was looking interesting with navy blue clouds in a pale blue and pink sky. 10 mins later all was dark.
Once the sun had gone down the full moon was creating dramatic back lit effects on the cloudy sky. Later we had sudden downpours and a wild thunderstorm accompanied by brief power cuts, one after the other. I hate to think what state the drive will be in tomorrow morning.