Shock horror this morning, I managed to leave my camera at home. I realised I'd left it at home just as I was driving up the hill and it was hard to resist the temptation to turn back to pick it up, after all who knows what photo opportunities might present themselves throughout the day? being practical, it is dark for my homeward journey and I didn't want to spend time going home again. It was hard because I'm so used to having the camera with me at all times. There were a couple of times today when I missed it but I decided there were some pictures from Sunday that I wanted to post anyway.
First, some of the flowers that are still blooming in the garden.
The winter flowering jasmine started flowering some weeks ago and the cheery yellow brightens up the front of the house. It used to share the space with a passion flower but sadly last winter's snow finished that off.
More subtle are the blue and lilac flowers of a mop head hydrangea. This is the first year that it flowered and the bright blue inner flowers are like little patches of blue sky trying to emerge between the ever present clouds.
Finally, not flowers but some autumn raspberries growing by the chickens' run. A tasty snack that I share with the wild birds.
A different view on the bench we sat on to watch the waves, not the one with the snake. There are plenty of benches on this piece of clifftop for less strenuous wave watching. Although this is a coastal area most of the towns are set inland and it is quite hard to find good, easily accessible places to watch the sea.
Many of the benches at Woolacombe have been placed there in memory of someone who loved the area and I did like the verse that was on our bench.
School didn't seem so frantic today, I was better organised and had more sleep and that certainly helped. Only 4 children off today, I think we'll be back up to the full 31 soon. It was a fun art afternoon with clay coil pots (presents for home), started and painting of snow scenes in anticipation of colder weather. The rat dance is choreographed, flexible numbers because you never know who is going to be ill, and the star dance is nearly there. We will start whole school rehearsals soon and that is not so enjoyable for the children as they have to wait patiently, (and quietly), for their spot in the play. I saw 2 more parents after school who weren't able to make the parents' evenings and there are just 2 more who would still like to see me, probably next week as I'm rather busy this week.