Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Day Of Strong Winds.

We didn't seem to have too much rain in the night, mostly strong winds but the rain has been coming in waves today. There was some flooding on the road into town but we seem to have escaped the worst of it. I've been out to make sure that the dams across the road are still in place to divert any heavy flow of water from the road above. Of course there is always the slight worry that the very large beech tree in the corner of the garden will fall on the house. Peter is convinced that some of the branches are dead indicating that the core is rotting but I think it is more likely to be the topmost branches being affected by the prevailing winds. Let's hope I'm right.
The garden plants are flapping around in the gusting wind and the sound of the wind in the trees is just as if a train is roaring past.
I did have my eyelashes done this morning, not as spectacular results as I had secretly hoped for but they do look darker. As my eyelashes are short, fair and sparse anything is an improvement. Linas came into town with me, grumbling madly when I said I would be there for 2 whole hours! I treated myself to a lightweight but incredibly soft and fluffy hooded dressing gown in a plum/purple colour. It was so cosy when I put it on to show Peter that I wanted to keep it on all day. We also bought a new handle for the mattock as Linas had been struggling with a splintered stump for a handle and I could see why he was reluctant to use it. He is talking about creating a channel down the middle of the drive to take the water down without losing the actual track. We'll see if he gets on with that job. I didn't have time to do sufficient research about cameras to make it worthwhile going into the camera shop. Maybe next week.

I must apologise for my spiteful remark about the hunt but I know they are still going after foxes and the whole thing makes me mad. Well, now we can relax indoors, the heating is on, it's Strictly and Casualty tonight , favourite viewing for us and tomorrow we can lie in and listen to the wind.