The sun was shining this morning as we set off after a hearty breakfast, for our usual wave watching walk at
Barricane Beach.

The tide was just going out leaving a clean washed beach for us to explore.

It was very windy so I decided that I would try and capture the 'sea horses' being blown from the tops of the waves. My camera was being especially
unco-operative in focusing and driving me mad so I have finally decided to invest in a new camera, one that actually
focuses when I try and zoom in on a shot. If I do some research this week my local camera shop will match any
internet price and I can try out the cameras before making a final decision. Peter will be on hand to advise and give the benefit of his professional experience. (You have to give the men something to do and he was a professional photographer.)

I was happy with this shot but it was the only one of the close ups that was in focus.

For the rest I had to stick to longer shots.

I do like the way the sun is sparkling on the sea here.

Rather blurry but great sea-horses.

Better, but too far out.
Back home it was more school work followed by a lovely Chinese meal cooked by Linas and now it's off to watch House and get an early night before another week of work begins.