In the recent past we’ve shown you blogs that showcase the fabulous and blogs that help you turn your home into the decorated space of your dreams. Today’s blogger focuses on the simple joys in life and how even the most mundane of everyday objects can brighten your interior and your day.

Jonathan Lo’s blog
Happy Mundane is unique for another reason: being run by a guy in this cyber world dominated by female design bloggers. There’s no gender distinction here, though, just great design advice and ideas. With a background in
art direction and editing, Lo really has an eye for design and is able to find beauty and excitement in all sorts of objects. According to the site: “Happy Mundane is a place to celebrate the ordinary and the extraordinary, happy colors, good design of any kind, and to take a moment to appreciate some things that get overlooked in the everyday.” We especially love Happy Mundane’s tag line: “There's beauty in your dishsoap.”