Peter took Elwen to the vets' today, £33 for 11 mins! It's definitely not fleas, the vet said it's either an allergy or ......... stress ! As she is the most aggressive of our cats (towards the others) we doubt it. The vet gave her a steroid injection which should deal with any allergy. The good news is that cats, unlike dogs, do not lick themselves raw. Bald, yes but they don't damage the skin. It was shocking to see how quickly poor old Zulu managed to lick himself raw when he had a skin problem.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Remembrance Day.
Peter took Elwen to the vets' today, £33 for 11 mins! It's definitely not fleas, the vet said it's either an allergy or ......... stress ! As she is the most aggressive of our cats (towards the others) we doubt it. The vet gave her a steroid injection which should deal with any allergy. The good news is that cats, unlike dogs, do not lick themselves raw. Bald, yes but they don't damage the skin. It was shocking to see how quickly poor old Zulu managed to lick himself raw when he had a skin problem.