Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wild, Wet And Windy.

It's been a wild, wet and windy day but surprisingly warm. I've spent the day pottering about and tidying in the kitchen as my back is a little sore from yesterday. If the weather conditions keep up we might go to the coast tomorrow to do a bit of wave watching. I've also made some inroads into my school work.
There have been a few brief sunny spells and I ventured out to look for some autumn colour.

This white snapdragon is a self sown seedling originating from some pink and white snapdragons I grew from seed at least 10 years ago. It has been quiet at home as Linas has gone out for an airsoft day at MAI and Peter had to take his car in for a service. I don't hear from Vytas and Romas unless I bombard them with e-mails and phone messages but I do know they have gone to a Sealed Knot muster at Edgehill. I hope they don't get too wet and muddy both on the battlefield or on the walk to the beer tent.