Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday At Last.

I'm in love, well not really but I left the hospital almost bouncing with optimism after my appointment with my new orthopaedic consultant. This guy really knows what he is talking about, explains everything and is pretty funny. Just right for me. He encouraged me to go through the whole history of all my aches and pains and did some comprehensive tests. Already I'm booked in for an MRI scan and day surgery (a guided injection) on my hip which will help pinpoint the cause of my hip pain. He thinks the shoulder could be spinal as well but surgery would be far too risky so physio is the way to go on that. At last I feel I'm getting somewhere. As promised a different view today. It was overcast as I drove home, rather flat photographic conditions not helped by the general lack of colour we get in the autumn.

The bare trees and hedges will be dominating the landscape for the next 6 months.

On the roadside verges there is still the odd splash of colour.

But mostly the flowers have been replaced by brown or white seed heads.
I've had to bring home work from school but hopefully I'll get some work done on the house as well during the half-term holiday. When I got home this evening the drive was almost impassable, so much of the gravel had been washed down into the yard after last night's torrential rains. Linas didn't want to rake it back up again as he had only just done that yesterday after the last lot of heavy rain. It is a job which can't be left so I had to go out and do a lot of back breaking work before Linas eventually joined me. I haven't done my back much good and will not be doing that again. I know my limits.