Definitely colder today. I stopped on the way home to take a few sky pictures and my poor little fingers were frozen by the time I had finished. I was so glad we had decided to put the central heating on yesterday and left it running so that the stone walls can absorb the heat. In a couple of days we'll put it on the timer to take the chill off when we get up and in the evenings. Heating oil is too expensive for us to leave the heating on all the time and there isn't much point when we're out at work.
No spectacular sunset tonight but a pretty sky none the less.
There were lots of visitors at school today as 4 applicants were interviewed for the January Reception Class (4 year olds) which will have 30 children in it. This is only a 2 term appointment but there were a lot of strong candidates for the job. They each had to teach a 20 min lesson with a mixture of Reception and Year 1 children and be interviewed by a panel of children as well as a formal job interview with our new Head Teacher and members of the school governors etc.
It looks like swine flu is creeping up, just in time for half-term ! One class has 5 children away,(2 cases with 3 other probables). I had 3 children away, 1 has something else and 2 haven't said why.
Interesting discovery, Elwen likes seaweed wrapped Japanese rice crackers. I threw her one because she was climbing about on my lap and the keyboard and having eaten her 3rd she is attempting to steal more from my desk. Greedy cat!