It was definitely chilly this morning as I got up in the dark to get ready for work. Outside in the garden an owl was hooting constantly and then a small feline face appeared at the bedroom window. When I opened the window to let
Elwen in she sneakily brought in a small dead furry thing with her. She was not too happy when I
immediately threw it back out into the garden. In school the lad doing 'the daily sentence' opted for 'and it is sunny' to complete his sentence. I don't know if it was optimism or simply that he wasn't too sure of the other weather words but it did turn sunny in the afternoon when we were all out doing tag-rugby.
Linas came into school with me and even did some jobs in the classroom before going to collect his scooter which is now safely at home.

It was cloudy once again on the way home but the sun was shining on the sea. Nothing else to report so over and out.