I was lucky enough this morning to catch a pretty sunrise as I drove up the hill. 5
mins later and it had faded to unspectacular pastels. When I looked at the pictures this evening I can clearly see the sun setting over a bay with a few islands scattered around.

The weather has been very variable today, rain pouring down one minute, hazy sunshine the next. I have finally had the
Internet fixed on the interactive whiteboard in my classroom. They are great when they are working but there is nothing worse than planning a lesson using the
IWB and then a glitch happens and you're trying to fix the problem with lots of little voices giving you advice. At that point I turn to my trusty whiteboard with pens. Nothing to go wrong there. When we were originally sold our
IWBs we were assured we could also write on them with whiteboard markers but they don't clean off perfectly so we prefer not to write on them.

The view on the way home was very different. Rain and mist were blurring out the hills putting everything into shades of grey. If the rain holds off tomorrow then I'll be out gardening again.