Sunday, October 18, 2009

One More Car Boot Sale.

Not especially sunny today but at least it has been dry. The temperature is definitely falling and it will soon be time to switch on the central heating. I went off to the car boot sale as I had a couple of other things to do in town. Plenty of sellers and buyers. As usual it was the place to hear other languages being spoken. One group identified themselves as being Bulgarian and I also heard Polish and Lithuanian being spoken. Gradually North Devon is becoming multicultural, a change from the days not so long ago when you were considered a 'furriner' if your grandparents hadn't been born here. My bargains from the car boot included some military kit from a squaddie- leather driving gloves, leather and camo gloves and some ammo pouches that you attach to your webbing. Linas grabbed the lot as being perfect for his airsoft exploits. A fitting reward for his hard work this weekend replacing the roof of the small shed and starting on my steps.

I came home via Muddiford and up White Field Hill as the Shirwell Road was taken over by a never ending convoy of contractors bringing corn for silage up to Mr Lewis' farm. It looks like the whole plants ; stalks, cobs and leaves are minced up and then stored as silage for winter feed. The empty wagons were going right down into town so I'm not sure where they were harvesting but the tractors can't go that fast and were holding all the traffic up. I stopped up on the hill and took some pictures of our valley looking rather dowdy as the leaves change colour. Dingles is still hidden in the trees.

Some cattle in the field were watching me, not sure of the breed. They might be South Devon Reds, the North Devon Red is a true chestnut colour.

Interesting observation yesterday- we saw 2 vast fields of bamboo growing near Ubley Warren. I can't find any information about them. I wonder if the bamboo is being grown for garden screen etc. I know that last year there was a major shortage of the wooden panels normally used for town gardens.