My cold , that I've had for the last 4 weeks, has affected my voice and I've been sounding dramatically bad even though I don't feel any worse. Hopefully my voice will last out for tomorrow and then I can give my vocal chords a rest. Otherewise I'll have to resort to more sign language (we do use Makaton to include those children with special needs but generally just the basics as all our children communicate verbally as well). My nose is running like a tap so it's definitely a cold and not the dreaded swine flu. The teacher who had children off with swine flu is also ill with it, just in time for the holidays. Apart from a couple with a tummy bug my class are all in school. Well not now of course, but during the day. Being a Thursday I set up our regular
multiskills PE
activities - 5 different activities which the children rotate round in teams. I was so pleased with my class today , I was supervising one activity which involved climbing over and along equipment, and the rest of the children were
concentrating so hard on their different activities there was hardly a sound in the hall. Quite amazing! Normally there is more noise and I have to remind the children that they need to be concentrating and listening for any instructions from me. I am also pleased that they have become more independent and organised. I never have to allocate children to teams, I just tell them how many we need in each team and they sort themselves out quickly. They are learning that the quicker they sort themselves out , the more time they will have to do the activities. They are also able to warm up sensibly while I deal with shoe laces and rolling up trousers as this is one of the sessions where they don't get changed but just take off shoes and socks.

Apologies for being repetitive but I thought I'd stop at
Upcott Cross again to see if I could get some evening pictures without red flare marks.

I promise I'll find a different view for tomorrow even if it is still raining.