I've just been and shut my hens in their shed because Ole Foxy was around again. I was sitting at the kitchen table when I looked up and saw him sauntering up the drive. This time there was no thought of taking photos as I spotted him going right up to the hedge where on the other side of the fence the poor unsuspecting hens were pecking around. I burst out of the door uttering banshee yells at the top of my voice and chased him away. Peter is offering to go out with the shotgun but I wouldn't shoot a fox for the sake of 4 hens. I'll just keep them in at night and hope for the best.

Earlier in the day we headed off to
Mortehoe for a walk down to Bull Point. It was hotter than we had bargained for and I finished the walk a rather fetching shade of red. A combination of all those steps and the sun. There were a number of people out and about, all fully clothed!

Peter has to take it easy with his ankle so we stayed up on the high ground and didn't go down into the
coombe leading to
Bennet's Mouth, the little cove I visited last time I was out walking on my own.
As usual there were plenty of lovely views.

The tide was out exposing the rocks in
Rockham Bay. The boys used to like going down there to see the last remains of a shipwrecked metal ship. You have to climb down a set of wooden steps that hang down the side of the cliff so again we gave that a miss.

We decided to take the shorter route back into the village rather than going up the second set of
zag steps and following the coast path round
Morte Point. All in all a very enjoyable walk. I even had time to do some gardening in the last remaining patch of sunshine at home.