It was a wild and windy morning so we
had a lie in listening to the wind moaning on the corner of the house and watching the rain lash at the window. A pity I had forgotten to close the micra's sun roof ! I discovered some very wet seats when I went to take the rubbish up to the top of the drive. Let's just say I was not amused. Most of the day has been spent at the PC trawling through the teaching job advertisements. I've sent my details to another 25 schools in NZ that have suitable vacancies. Each time I checked out a school's details or had a look at its website I kept thinking 'Is this where I'll be working next year? Might these be my new colleagues?'. Silly I know, most of the time I manage to compartmentalise my dreams away and focus on the task in hand. I did like the sound of the school that headed its advert Supreme High Commander Wanted. But I am only looking for a class teacher's job.

By the time I escaped my job hunting the sun had almost left the garden just lighting up the tops of the trees.

Luckily I took my camera with me, as always, when I went up the drive with the rubbish, and caught some pretty skies.

These were taken down at
Bowden Corner.

I finally spoke to
Romas today, my sons are very poor communicators, and as I expected he's having a good time at university. I found out from him that
Vytas has been in Vienna , something to do with his PhD, which is why I haven't been able to get in touch with him. Having decided that I need to be able to
Skype I enlisted
Linas' help in buying a web cam. We looked at a selection on a site Pete uses and my frugal nature would have been happy with a £4.99 web cam but the
techincal experts -
Linas and Pete, insisted I had something a bit better. I resisted their pleas to buy myself a £90 all singing and dancing web cam and we settled for something
inbetween. Once that arrives I'll get set up and then will be able to not reach my sons in one more way.
Romas tells me that they are not allowed to have
Skype at uni. I expect it would soon use up all their band width.