Tuesday, December 30, 2008


It was an early start this morning as Kate's car was booked in at the garage for 8.00. There was quite an obvious petrol leak but it turned out that when it was serviced before she bought it 2 weeks ago they had failed to put a jubilee clip on the petrol hose to secure it. This potentially very dangerous fault was fixed for a minimum cost of £12.00. I just thank God that nothing serious had happened while the petrol was dripping out under the car. Being nice and early the supermarket was almost empty as I stocked up on food. After that I walked over the bridge into town for a meander round the shops.

There was a cool golden light over the river and lots of reflections in the still water.

An hour later the High Street was busy with 'Sales' shoppers. The low winter light was creating an interesting back-lit effect on the crowds.

On the way home I finally managed to get a Buzzard to sit still on a telegraph pole though it's a shame that the camera didn't focus properly on this and closer shots.