Saturday, December 13, 2008

An Evening At Jalapeno Pepper's.

Last night I went out with the staff from school to Jalapeno Pepper's for an end of term meal.
Starting from the left, Barbs, Lynne, Debbie, Trefor, Anne, Ebon and on the other side, Trefor's wife Eve and laughing like a drain- Claire, whose class I will be taking over in January for obvious reasons.

Some more of the gang, Marion, Paula, Nic, Lynne & Debbie again, Sue and Janet C. As can be seen we all had a good time, some of the crowd had already been getting into the spirit of things before we all met up and after the meal the younger more energetic ones went off to one of Barnstaple's nightspots. I was a little disappointed with my meal, we had pre-ordered and it wasn't clear how spicy the dishes were. I was unable to eat my starter of quesadillas because the filling was really hot. Luckily the Cajun chicken was not too spicy and the banoffe pie made up for not having a starter. (I've just done 500 sit-ups to balance the pie, I'll have to do about 10,000 on Christmas Day!)

It was raining heavily on the way home when I decided to experiment taking night pictures.

When I got home Gemma was also experimenting photographing my Christmas lights for a college assignment. She was taking photos of the lights draped over her head and here I've brought down a sword to get some effects from the reflections on the blade.

We had torrential rain overnight, parts of Devon had 3ft of flood water but it wasn't too bad here especially as I went out late last night and re-formed the mud dams across the road. There were dry spells this morning but I lacked the energy to go out and do more gardening. Instead I concentrated on de-cluttering some cupboards assigning stuff either as Christmas presents or for the charity shop. I buy 'presents' all through the year, put them away and either forget them or can't find where I've stashed them. Linas, who came home with Pete on Wednesday evening, Gemma and Romas all went into Barnstaple for an 'all you can eat meal' at the Honeymoon. When they got home Romas started pressure washing the slabs in the front patio. To amuse himself he drew patterns on the slabs and some grafitti but as long as the job gets done that's fine.