Monday, December 15, 2008

Mucky Job Day.

I've been doing mucky jobs today so no photos from home. First job was rodding the main drain, (yes the sewer) , but the problem seems more to be with the tank so next step will be to call a friendly local farmer to empty the tank into his muck spreader - don't ask! Next job was cutting and clearing dead foliage from a bank and finally dredging slimy stinky mud and leaves from the bottom of the pond. This is the only time of the year I can weed or clear the pond as the frogs and toads take up residence in January filling the pond with frogspawn.
Instead a couple of news items.
First some photos of new species that have been discovered in the Mekong Delta.
There's this very cute striped rabbit, .......
....... and this not so cute pink millipede that spits cyanide.
There was also a 30cm spider but the picture wasn't very nice so I've left it off.
Good news from yesterday, after the TV programme about overbred dogs, the BBC is no longer showing Crufts on TV as the kennel club would not compromise 'over the inclusion of certain breeds (14) that suffer genetic diseases following years of inbreeding.' Pedigree (dogfoods) and the RSPCA have also withdrawn from any sponsorship or involvement with Crufts.