Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Kitchen Cleaning Day.

Poor old Pete has been laid low with the heavy cold that has been going around his work. He spent the day asleep but should be back to work tomorrow. This evening he has an on-line tutorial for his maths module. I've been coughing a bit so may be heading for the cold as well so I decided that despite the blue skies enticing me outside I ought to start giving the kitchen a good tidy up. I gave all the tiles a good clean including scrubbing the grout with an old toothbrush and bleach. I cleaned and sanded the wall above the tiles and Linas and I gave it a couple of coats of white paint. This is a job I have been meaning to do for some time. Linas was not in my good books this afternoon. He asked me to drive him to Braunton so Womble could sort out a few problems with Romas and Sam's guns. I had a quick stroll round the shops and went back to the car to wait for Linas as he had said he would only be 10 minutes. I ended up waiting for an HOUR ! I was so annoyed that instead of going to the new Tescos in Braunton to get lemonade for Linas and other basics, I drove straight home by Mullacot Cross. I did have to stop and take a few photos of the sunset.

The photos are all over the place on this post as I'm using Opera instead of Explorer because of a virus warning.