Monday, December 8, 2008

Good Intentions Gone Wrong.

Another hard frost this morning. Peter decided not to risk the icy hill, rang work and took a flexiday instead. I decided to get on with tidying up starting in the kitchen. First I thought I would make my own wood polish. This was something I had seen on tv, what a disaster. First you had to melt candle ends in the microwave, this was what had caught my eye as I had a bag of candle stumps. Luckily I was watching the microwave so I was able to turn it off the minute flames appeared from a wick, and the wax didn't melt anyway. Instead I used an old food tin on the rayburn and that worked fine. Next you had to add linseed oil (which I have for the wood worktops), mix it in so that the wax doesn't solidify but makes a soft paste- not. Hard wax on top and linseed oil underneath. I disposed of that mess and decided to use a tin of Brywax polish instead. That had dried out a bit but I melted it on the rayburn. Of course the dark brown colour should have alerted me to the fact that this was staining wax. I dolloped a big smear on a pine cupboard and it took me ages to clean off. That's gone in the bin as well now. Then I decided to make some Christmas cookies, all was fine until I went to sort out the food colours for the egg glaze you put on before baking. Choice of blue or black! not too appetising on a biscuit. Biscuit dough is now resting in the fridge until I bring home more suitable colours after work tomorrow. I had planned to make a pair of cat ears and a tail for dress up day at school from a furry scarf I bought for 20p but going by the rest of the day I decided to put that project on hold. Instead I went out into the much warmer wet garden, did some sweeping and weeding. Less to go wrong there. After that I did an extra 50 sit-ups to mitigate yesterday's munching on kebabs and birthday cake.

I thought after my hectic day I'd post some restful photos that I took at the beach one summer's evening.