Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Getting Colder.

A chilly morning today though not quite as bad as expected. I hitched a lift up to the top with Pete and Romas, took some photos of the sunrise and collected the micra from the gateway where it had spent the night just in case we had black ice.

I used the flash to create the dark background behind this golden oat grass seed head which was glistening with the early morning dew.

The micra got rather cold spending the night up the hill and had a beautiful tracery of frost ferns on the back window. I had to use a lot of de-icer to get the door open. It was a lovely sunny morning but I didn't get out in the garden as a friend's husband was coming to look at and give a quote on the guttering. There is one big problem at the back of the house where water is pouring onto the wall and made the 2ft thick stone wall so damp that the plaster has fallen off. There are also quite a few down pipes which needed finishing off and we never got round to doing so we might as well have all the work done at the same time. Then when the wall has dried out we can re-plaster. I had to take a parcel to the post office so at the same time I got ALL my Christmas post sent. That's another job out of the way.