Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dramatic Skies.

Last night at WI it was a flower arranging demonstration. I'm always quite impressed with flower arranging but at home I just like to plonk flowers in a vase and give them a bit of a shake to settle down. So much easier.
We were given lots of ideas for Christmas displays.
I might get inspired if I have time.

Our refreshments, most of which were home made. One lady had even used cream from her farm's jersey cow.

A dramatic red sunrise at 8.00 this morning.

By 9.00, as I drove Romas to The Ariel for another recording session, the sun had started to shine. This flat road used to be the start of my running route until my knee gave out. Round the corner there are telegraph poles at close intervals so I was able to run a little further each day with good old Zulu by my side. Shame about Zulu and shame about the knee. Now it's just the sit-ups. (450 today.)

After I dropped Romas off there was some dramatic underlighting of the clouds. My camera has made them moodier than the reality but when I lightened the photo using the manual settings I lost the cloud definiton.

The hills on the horizon are Dartmoor 65 miles away. I love being able to see such a long way.
I drove into town to do a bit of shopping, despite all the hype on the news there were very few extra reductions at Woolworths though I did buy myself a snazzy set of gardening tools in pink! as my trowel has no handle and my secateurs have lost their spring and one of the handle covers. Original price £16, I paid £3.60, so that was a good reduction.

On my way home I had another good veiw of Dartmoor from the top of our drive. I like the way it is rising form the mist like an island.

Before going out to do more weeding my inner 4 year old iced some biscuits that I had baked yesterday. I now know why I only bake biscuits at Christmas, it took several sessions and quite a long time. They do taste nice though. I like to give a bag of home baked biscuits to our postman as a Christmas thank you. He drives to the house, has a chat, takes letters I want posted and if we're not in, leaves parcels in the porch. I might bake some giant chocolate chunk cookies as well as they are much easier to make.