Sunday, December 14, 2008

Beauty On My Doorstep.

It has been a typical chilly damp winter's day today. After a session weeding around the pond, in the shade so rather cold, I decided to take a walk back up the stream that runs down the valley past the back of the house. Once I had negotiated my way past the holly branches growing across the stream at face level I found a beautiful hidden world. Its been quite a few years since I've been for a walk up there. Over the babbling and burbling of the stream I heard a few extra splashes, I looked carefully and in the crystal clear water saw a fat 9" trout frantically making its way past me. I had a lovely walk up the stream taking lots of photos of the mossy tree trunks, clear pools and sparkling waterfalls.

Peter just came home happy as Larry having been on a clay shoot over at Keypits with people from the local independent brewery, Barum Brewery.