Tuesday, December 2, 2008

One Section Cleared.

When I drove Romas up the road this morning the sky was grey, the road was grey and it was raining so I didn't take the camera. Of course there was that buzzard. sitting on the fence and it didn't fly away until the car was just a few feet away, drat! It started to clear a little so I decided to continue with my leaf clearing despite the temptation to sit in a nice warm kitchen and wrap Christmas presents. I did take the precaution of wearing 2 pairs of trousers and 2 pairs of gloves so the rain and the hailstones weren't too much of a problem.

At last the stone circle was cut back, weeded and cleared.

As I didn't think to take a 'before' photo, this is another part of the scree garden waiting to be tidied.

This was the circle in early summer before the sedum had started to flower and attract hoards of butterflies.

Early spring the year before. I am very proud of the aubretia as I grew it from seed and it was the first time I had managed to get it to grow without being destroyed by the slugs.
It was back to school for the afternoon where the children were all hyped up because it was the Christmas Fayre. My class spent the afternoon folding paper to cut out snowflakes. Very educational though I could write a lesson plan linking it to maths and design if I had to .
The forecast is for -2 C in the night and early morning and it's raining so I've taken the precaution of leaving my car up the hill in case of black ice.