Friday, December 5, 2008

Goodbye to Woolworth's.

It looks as though Woolworth's UK is finally finished. Staff have now been told their jobs are secure till Christmas but after that who knows?
I can't say that I was much of a Woollies customer, Linas would buy Pick'n Mix and I would sometimes have a look at sale time. Today it was announced that many of the goods would going to be discounted by up to 50% and as I wasn't working till the afternoon I thought it might be the time to do a little shopping in town once I'd raked up the drive that had washed down in last night's heavy rain. (The heavy showers continued for the rest of the day.) Predictably Woolworth's was heaving with very long queues at the tills but I managed to get most of the rest of my Christmas bits and pieces at reasonable prices. Teaching in the afternoon was lovely and peaceful, sitting with children making gift tags. A quick trip to Liddll's after work to pick up Christmas goodies - chocolates, herrings and a panettone, Brian Ford's for more food and then home. All that shopping left me feel really tired when I got home and I took a rest day from the 300 sit-ups that I have been doing almost every day. I'm not a natural athlete so that's a big achievement for me but it is one exercise which does not involve the knees which always leave me in a lot of pain at night if I over use them. I started by doing the easy sit-ups where you touch your toes and when I got to 300 I started substituting the ones with arms crossed over the chest and now they're all the crossed arm ones. I watch tv at the same time which makes it easier. The plan is that when I've dieted off the fat I'll be nice and toned underneath and I'm certainly noticing the beneficial effects.
Linas came home in the week to collect his new gun and take it to Womble for a check over, he went back to Plymouth last night because he had a test today and now he and Gemma are back for his birthday week-end. They are all off to Bude for an air-soft game and then I'm not sure what their plans are. Well the freezer is full if I have to feed a crowd of youngsters this week-end.