Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Red Barn.

We finally got round to having the first of our meals out that were our Christmas presents to each other. We are simply not a family that goes out for meals. Initially due to the cost and now that there are only 2 of us not 5 we still prefer to cook a special meal at home or have a take away. (My favourite is a sandwich in the open air.) When we actually thought about it we could count the number of times we have eaten out together (not counting holidays or works outings) on the fingers of one hand. My colleagues do go out to eat but I don't think it is something we Brits do a lot. At least apart from young people. Perhaps it is the cost, locally a meal with a starter or a desert as well as drinks will probably cost £15+ per person or a fast food such as pizza or fried chicken would be £5+. Maybe I'm just old but when you multiply that by 5 for our family it seems to add up to a lot. What happens in your part of the world? How often do you eat out? What is your favourite cuisine? I'd love to hear your choices.
So it made it special for us to go for a walk and then have a meal at the Red Barn in Woolacombe. Not haute cuisine but a good selection and fair sized portions. Peter had roast beef with all the trimmings while I had a very good vegetable lasagna followed by a triple chocolate dessert with local ice cream. The meal came to £25 and we definitely do not need to eat again today. The only down point was when a couple of small children who were racing around the place like dervishes, managed to trip Peter up and he fell on his wrist, not good. Luckily he doesn't seem to have done any damage.

The Red Barn is a laid back surf themed place with great views over the beach. I can imagine that it gets very crowded in the holiday season.

This was our view as we ate our meal. Look, we even have palm trees.

Before our meal we went for a stroll along the beach. The tide was just turning and we were able to walk on the sand after jumping over the many fast flowing streams of rain water that were flowing down off the hills. We also picked up a few shells and I have started drilling holes and experimenting with different ways of combining the shells with beads to make some beach jewellery.

At home things were very different. We had more hail in the night and the ice was thicker on the pond. A couple more hail showers in the afternoon kept me indoors where I did some mending (sewing) in the kitchen. No severe weather predicted for us in the week but I'll keep an eye on the predicted temp each night so that we don't get trapped by black ice when we should be going to work.

Amazing Rounded House Design in Australia

 Amazing Rounded House Design in Australia

The Mobeius house was created by Tony Owen Partners in Sydney, Australia. The amazing rounded house design was the concept of the client with the intention of maximizing reddened and developing a concept a bit different than the accepted \"90 degree right angles\" found in most homes. As a result almost everything is custom in the home including the windows, frame and roof. The frame is created of steel that had to be specially cut to create the rounded look. Once the frame was up the rest of the features could be built and fastened to ensure the proper shape was kept throughout the house construction process.









Sweden Home Interior Pictures

I am always fascinated by pictures of home interiors and found these for a great house in Sweden. I hope that these can provide some inspiration for you on your next design projects.


Luxury Home Interior Design

when you’re choosing a firm for wealth bag inland design, your first decision will be your definition of “luxury.”  Some define “luxury bag inland design” as exquisite workmanship; others think of it as including fine antiques; and there’s a segment that thinks of wealth in terms of customizing for their every whim.

However you define “luxury bag inland design,” it will nearly always involve renovation. In most major metropolitan cities, the basic cost of improvement is $300 -$350 per sq. ft.  For voluptuous details, such as mahogany bookshelves, you crapper easily go up to $800-$1000 sq. ft.  Finding the right balance between wealth and value is very important.

Designer Previews will show you the work of some of the finest wealth bag inland organisation and architectural firms and help you compare their strengths in relation to your needs.

Home Interior Design

Before you start considering spending your hard earned money on decorators and inland designers maybe you should consider carrying out the work yourself. 
You will find it fun and exhilarating , watch your home come alive with your designs and ideas. 
If you want to redecorate your entire home inland design software strength be the way forward for you, especially if you don't want to hire a decorator.
If you're not a computer-friendly person then you strength find it a bit arduous to navigate the waters of inland design software. 
But if you get an inland decorator you strength have to shell out substantially more than you can afford.
Which in turn, means that you strength have to cut down on some of your decorating needs. Why don't you go for it!
It doesn't be as difficult as you think and can even be downright fun most times. The only time that you'll really get a headache is when you need to do your budget.

After that it's a matter of sliding your way downhill through your home interior design project with hardly any bumps or detours.
Then again, if you're not too comfortable with your artistic abilities and visualization skills you might need the backup of a decorator to help you get things going, or you might even like to stick with the home interior design software.
It doesn't really matter either way how you go about it as long as you get you home interior design project off the ground.

After all there's only so long that you can stand and watch your house fall to pieces around your very ears.
Although that might have been a bit of an exaggeration, if you're thinking about home interior design or remodeling then now's the time to do it. If you put it off now, there's no telling when next you'll be able, or even want to redecorate your house.

And one of the very first things you can do for your home interior design project will be to decide exactly what you're going to do. Are you going to go through the entire house one room at a time or are you going to do only one or two rooms right now.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow ?

We woke this morning to see the garden white with the hail that had fallen in the night but by the afternoon most of it had melted away.
Up in the hen run this little sparrow waited in one of the apples trees for me to leave so that he could share the corn I had thrown on the ground for the hens. It didn't feel too cold out as there was no wind at all and the sun was shining. It took me a while to get organised to work outside and then I kept getting diverted from my original task of finishing the pond and weeding the heather banks. First I went to put up a new fat ball for the wild birds. This hangs alongside the nut feeder over the stream to stop the squirrel from raiding all the birds' food. Each time I've been out there I've meant to remove some brambles that have appeared and today I finally got round to doing so. Then I carried on and cut back and cleared more brambles growing on the far side of the stream. It's not our land but as it's so close to the house I do have permission to cut back the trees and undergrowth there.

There are several clumps of daffodils there that began flowering at the end of Dec, I can see these ones through the window by my piano in the sitting room. Having cleared most of the brambles that were growing down to the stream I then cut down a 20ft branch of a cob nut tree that was growing picturesquely over the stream but almost reaching the house, (that was with my trusty bow saw).

As I walked around in the stream I was most surprised to see some frogspawn in the flowing water. I expect it had been washed down from one of the small pools higher up the valley. I released it from the stone where it had been caught and let it carry on its journey down to my neighbour's lake. That reminded me that I had planned to do more work at the pond, actually I took my camera to see if there was anything happening up there. No frog or toad spawn but looking down through the clear water there were suspicious movements and bubbles under the pond plants.

There was a thin film of ice over the pond and some clear reflections of the surrounding trees.

I finished off my outdoor work by bringing down and cutting up enough wood for a fire tonight and then doing a bit of weeding before the light started to fade.

Interior Design For Your Home

We are talking about your home, are you have mitigated with your home? A person who is creative can do some inland designing on his own even without formal training. Those who have an eye for what is esthetical can just as easily embellish and design his own house depending on his tastes. Of course, it helps to feature books and articles about designing to be updated on the basic and latest design methods.

Any inland specializer can create a specific atmosphere just by putting unitedly individual pieces and unifying them in a single theme. There are inland designers who have a bias for certain motifs like eclectic, modern or even country style. Some go for simple designs without the clutter.

Interior design is not only esthetical but also useful depending on the requirements of the client. An inland specializer can make a diminutive room spacious and an otherwise cluttered room into an orderly one. Interior design is used just about anywhere from homes, offices to commercial buildings.

The interiors of a room should always correct the personality of the person who module occupy that room. This is the reason why designers always impact closely with their clients so they can make sure that they intend a feel of what their clients want in terms of design style.

People have this notion that inland design is expensive. However, designers are not only creative people but they are also very beatific in budgeting. Most designers module impact on a design that module correct or fit the budget of their clients. A person can give a minimal amount for the inland design of his home or office and still come up with an esthetical and useful room. 

Professional interior designers who are formally trained usually have basic knowledge on architecture, engineering and even accounting. They need these courses to make their design aesthetic, structurally correct and cost effective.

The terms Interior design and interior decorating have often been used interchangeably. However, the two terms actually deal with different phases of making a room or a space aesthetic. Interior design is basically the process of studying the personality of the occupant of the room being designed in order to maximize and tailor-made the room’s design for that person’s behavior and personality.

Interior decorating on the other hand is the process of actually mixing and matching the different design techniques like window treatments, the right wallpaper, wall finish and even the furnishing of a room.

There are a lot of opportunities for those in the interior design and decorating industry. An interior designer can go into designing household, corporate or commercial establishments. Others specialize in the design of health facilities or even tourism establishments.

The latest trend now for those in the interior design industry is to be able to incorporate the right engineering and aesthetic design with sustainable development. Even designers are now more conscious about the state of the environment so they tend to use environmentally friendly materials for their designs.

There are designers who specialize and use Feng Shui in their designs. This requires further study because Feng Shui deals with the Chinese’s ancient methods of designing a space to make the design work for the owner’s health, business and other life factors.

The Chinese believes that a structure should be properly designed so as to allow positive energy to enter the structure. When the structure has already been built without the aid of a Feng Shui expert, the mistakes can be corrected through proper interior design using the Feng Shui methods.

By incorporating Feng Shui in interior design, it is believed that a person can bring out all the positive energies in a room to make him rich, happy and healthy. An interior design using Feng Shui can also get rid of bad spirits that bring in negative atmosphere in an abode.
Getting the services of an interior designer can make a room both aesthetic and functional. Any person who wants to make his home livable and functional should try getting the services of an interior designer to maximize his space.

Professional inland designers who are formally trained usually have basic knowledge on architecture, field and even accounting. They need these courses to attain their organisation aesthetic, structurally correct and cost effective.

The terms Interior organisation and inland decorating have often been used interchangeably. However, the two terms actually deal with different phases of making a shack or a expanse aesthetic. Interior organisation is basically the impact of studying the personality of the occupant of the shack being designed in order to maximize and tailor-made the room’s organisation for that person’s behavior and personality.

Interior decorating on the another hand is the impact of actually mixing and matching the different organisation techniques like window treatments, the correct wallpaper, wall finish and even the furnishing of a room.

There are a lot of opportunities for those in the inland organisation and decorating industry. An inland specializer can go into artful household, corporate or commercial establishments. Others change in the organisation of health facilities or even tourism establishments.

The latest trend today for those in the inland organisation industry is to be able to incorporate the correct field and aesthetic organisation with sustainable development. Even designers are today more conscious about the state of the environment so they tend to use environmentally friendly materials for their designs.

There are designers who change and use Feng Shui in their designs. This requires further study because Feng Shui deals with the Chinese’s ancient methods of artful a expanse to attain the organisation impact for the owner’s health, business and another life factors.

The Chinese believes that a structure should be properly designed so as to allow positive energy to start the structure. When the structure has already been built without the aid of a Feng Shui expert, the mistakes can be rectified through proper inland organisation using the Feng Shui methods.

By incorporating Feng Shui in inland design, it is believed that a person can bring out every the positive energies in a shack to attain him rich, happy and healthy. An inland organisation using Feng Shui can also get rid of bad spirits that bring in negative atmosphere in an abode.

Getting the services of an inland specializer can attain a shack both aesthetic and functional. Any person who wants to attain his home inhabitable and functional should essay getting the services of an inland specializer to maximize his space.

Fresh and Original Interiors from Ryann Ford

Ryann author is a artist who is specialized  in architecture, design and tourism. We found this amazing photos on her site related to the person of our interest, interior design. Some of the rooms in the pictures below really managed to catch our attention: a room with brick-walls and wooden furniture, a  living-room with words written on the walls, a reddened room with interesting paintings, a chandelier made entirely out of photos, a king-size classic bed. The overall image is that of space, heterogeneity and originality. We also same the fact that all the items seem to integrate perfectly in their environment. Even the cat has the same color as the room it so carelessly sits in. – via Desire to Inspire 

Interior Home Design :Living Room Sample Pictures

Friday, January 29, 2010

Much Colder Today.

Just as I was about to get changed for bed last night Linas called out that Metcheck were predicting low temps for the night. Despite the fact that only 2 hours previously the predicted temp for the night was 7C it was saying that there would be light sleet followed by the temp dropping to -1C at 6.00. Perfect conditions for black ice. So of course I jumped in my Micra and drove it to the top of the hill, just in case. Even though it was 100% cloud cover the night was so light there was no need to use a torch on the walk back down the hill. In the morning although it was wet and windy it wasn't cold enough for ice. I had a lift up the hill with Peter as he doesn't worry as much as I do and his car was still down by the house. It got a lot colder during the day and I drove home through a mixture of sleet showers and dramatic cloudscapes. It was strange driving home as the sudden drop in temp had left most of the road dry with the wet sections splashed and frozen into odd shaped splats across the road.
I've been teaching all day today. I was teaching my old class so it wasn't stressful though I did have to talk to a couple of parents about extremely poor behaviour by their children at playtime. Generally the behaviour in our school is very good and apart from a few children with specific problems we do not have children being hurt or any bad language. (Our school only has children from 4 - 7 years old). I do also enjoy the companionship of my colleagues as we all get on well and have a good laugh together while coping with the pressure we are under. At least, while I am part-time I have far fewer responsibilities and can relax once I get home, not worry about the latest batch of paperwork that needs updating.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


This morning's weeding session saw the last bit of the pond path cleared of weeds. There is still some grass growing in the water to be pulled out but that will be it for now. In a few weeks I'll cut back the rest of last year's growth from the marginal plants. The alchemilla is a lovely plant but seeds easily so there have been quite a few seedlings to pull out. It always amazes me that a little plant only a cm across will have several inches of roots. I used to look around the local garden centres once in a while for unusual plants and I had to laugh once when I saw pots of alchemilla on sale at £4.50 each.2 eggs today, that's 100% increase in production. At least I should soon be able to stop buying eggs. I could never bring myself to buy battery eggs but free range eggs are not so expensive these days, probably due to increased demand. My hens are such gluttons. Even when their crops are full of corn they wait at the bottom corner of their run to see if I'm coming up with any scraps. When we first moved here I had a little flock that roamed free and they often hung around the front door waiting for us to come out. I have a photo of one hen happily laying an egg in a box just inside the porch.

Right now we are waging war on the jackdaws who plan on building nests in the chimney and loft. The first year it was only one nest, then some of them nested in the lofts (very noisy,) and this year there are at least 12 birds hanging around. One pair build a nest in this chimney (we'll have to warn future owners of this place to sweep the chimney if they plan on using the kitchen fireplace,) and the rest head into the loft. We will put some netting up to block the hole into the loft and we are also gaily taking potshots at them with the boys' air-rifles. We don't actually aim at the birds and it is only plastic pellets that ping off the trees but we hope that they will scare away the jackdaws. Jackdaws are quite clever and now they fly away as soon as we raise a gun to our shoulder. Hopefully they will get the message soon and find somewhere else.
On my way home from school this evening I had another frustrating time trying to get a good photo of a buzzard. I was taking photos through the car windscreen and trying to move a bit closer, first the buzzard flew down the fence and eventually it flew away.

So this was my final photo.