It looks like we may be at the end of this current dry spell. There was some rain this afternoon and it has been grey skies all day long. It was another
lateish evening at school as we had a staff meeting and then I still like to get my room ready for the next day. That way even if there is some major catastrophe at home, car not starting, oversleeping or just feeling grotty, I can walk in at the last minute and still be ready to hit the road running. Mondays are not too bad as we have an hour
PPA time in the morning when we can get together with out
TAs and go through the week's plans. In the afternoon we have a coach come in and take tag rugby sessions, we still join in with the teaching by taking one group but it is good to have some professional input. At the end of the session most of the children were puffing and panting and when they looked to me for sympathy my only comment was 'Good, you must have been trying really hard, well done.' The government is constantly pushing us to keep the children active as so many children these days are unfit due to lack of exercise and this is going to lead to major problems for them and the economy in the future. My boys have been fortunate in having the garden and surrounding fields to run wild in and although they have spent many hours on their PCs they have also the opportunity to be active and the chance to surf when the waves are right and we can get down to the beach.