Last night's clear skies resulted in a chilly morning. We are now having to wake up in the dark, (we never draw any curtains), the upside being that I get to see the sunrise as I rub the sleep from my eyes and try to wake up. I am actually a morning person so once I've had a reviving cup of tea I'm usually OK.
I stopped on the way in to work to try and capture the morning light across the hills.
The composition would have been better if I had been prepared to walk on the long very wet grass to get into a better position. However as I had my crocs on and was going straight into work I decided practicality would have to override artistic sensibilities.

I had a reasonably good day at school. I am getting a better idea of how long the children need to do various things and they are learning the classroom routine and my (hopefully very clear), expectations of them. One or two children have still not quite settled yet but most of them seem to be happy for most of the time. Hopefully it will not be long before they are all happy and eager to come to school each day. After work, (after the staff meeting) I went over to Brian Ford's to do a big shop. I find that it is fairly empty on a Thursday evening whereas if I go on a Friday evening it is positively crowded. With 2 hungry lads at home it is always good to find short coded items at 70 or 80% off. At BF's you can pick up an odd selection of cheap items. Today it was snack type foods but as both the boys are as thin as whippets that's fine. As I drove over the New Bridge the traffic was quite slow so I opened the windows and turned on the camera. I didn't even look at the camera, just aimed it out of the window and clicked the shutter button. Most of the photos were rather wonky but I quite like this one looking down the estuary towards the sea.

I had a reasonably good day at school. I am getting a better idea of how long the children need to do various things and they are learning the classroom routine and my (hopefully very clear), expectations of them. One or two children have still not quite settled yet but most of them seem to be happy for most of the time. Hopefully it will not be long before they are all happy and eager to come to school each day. After work, (after the staff meeting) I went over to Brian Ford's to do a big shop. I find that it is fairly empty on a Thursday evening whereas if I go on a Friday evening it is positively crowded. With 2 hungry lads at home it is always good to find short coded items at 70 or 80% off. At BF's you can pick up an odd selection of cheap items. Today it was snack type foods but as both the boys are as thin as whippets that's fine. As I drove over the New Bridge the traffic was quite slow so I opened the windows and turned on the camera. I didn't even look at the camera, just aimed it out of the window and clicked the shutter button. Most of the photos were rather wonky but I quite like this one looking down the estuary towards the sea.