We still have the glorious weather of the last few days. It's more like summer than it ever was in August. This morning I took my class out for a sound walk around the school grounds. One little child claimed to hear the grass growing, he must have very good ears. Being on the edge of town there was a good mixture of sounds, fire engines, cars, lorries and a helicopter as well as various birds and the sound of the wind in the trees not forgetting children's voices and the squeaky bikes in the reception playground. After school there was still more sorting out of the classroom, making notices etc and then I popped over to Sommerfields to check out the bargains. I came away with 3 bags of shopping and not 1 item was full price. Either they were half price promotions or end of day 75% reductions. We shall eat well this weekend. I'm off to Bristol again tomorrow on the morning train(s). When it is only 1 person travelling it is cheaper to go by train, and less hassle but if there are 2 of us it is more economical to drive. I plan to visit the museum, have lunch at the cathedral and do some shopping in Broadmead and Cabot Circus.
This evening when I got home the garden was bathed in the evening light. The butterflies weren't around but the bees were still busy collecting nectar.