Linas came round to school this evening so we could go and collect his scooter which had been in for its MOT. Linas didn't even get to the traffic lights before the scooter started loosing power. A quick phone call to Ireland's and they came and picked it up.We'll have to wait and see what the problem is. The sooner Linas retakes his CBT and gets the bike on the road , the better.
When we drove past the ponies' field we spotted Persy happily grazing on the wrong side of the electric fence. She and Coral walked through there into our garden last year and Paul had put the power back on that little stretch of fence which is right in the corner of the field. Most of the time the ponies respect the fence even though it isn't turned on but Persy obviously decided to try the grass on our side. If she starts walking around the garden I'll ask Sarah to to turn on the fence again.

I like this rubus for 3 reasons, 1- it has amazing magenta pom-pom flowers, 2- this 6ft high shrub is growing in a bucket sized hole dug out of solid clay and 3- it has good autumn colour before eventually dropping its leaves. Oh , and the slugs don't eat it so that's 4 reasons.