A very quick blog this evening as we hope to set out on our trip at 6.00 tomorrow, just 6 1/2 hours away and I do need to get some sleep. Finally Romas has got most of his stuff packed in Peter's car. Only the PC to go as it is currently being rebuilt (software). Don't ask why this sort of thing always has to be done at the last minute. Peter also has a long journey tomorrow as he drives down to Camborne (in my micra) for a CCNA (OU computing study) day. I don't think we'll be doing much on Sunday !
It was another autumnal morning today with banks of mist forming in the valleys.

School was hectic as usual and with staff either being ill or seconded for other duties I've been having to reorganise my timetable each day as a lot of the time I've not had a teaching assistant with me and my class of 31 children though today I did have 5 children away.
There was a lovely sunset tonight and as I drove home golden light was shining in through the back window. From time to time I would catch glimpses of the setting sun shinning like a spotlight in my rear view mirror.
I hurried to my usual 'sunset' spot but the sun was dropping down behind a cloud bank. I still managed to get a few pictures.
The sunset was reflecting off the overhead clouds giving them a rosy glow. The forecast for tomorrow is good thankfully as I expect to be driving for about 9 hours. I'll be stopping at our friends' on the way back to give myself a bit of a break.