I drove home through the clouds this evening. The soft rain had started to fall during the afternoon, luckily after the children had had their afternoon playtime. There is nothing worse than a classroom full of energetic children unable to run around outside. It had just started while we were outside and a few children had come up to us to let us know that they could feel the rain drops. Everything is so dramatic when you are 5 years old. I think they were rather disappointed with our calm response that a little rain wouldn't melt us.
I stopped at the lay by at Burridge to take these pictures of the low clouds over Muddiford.

Once I got as high as Shirwell the clouds were at ground level. When I got home the builders hadn't been as the cement needs to dry out before it is painted but Peter has spoken to the builder about doing my garden steps and maybe even some indoor work. Romas has brought down his drum kit to the kitchen ready for the move, even taken to pieces it is going to take a lot of room in the car. I think it is going to be a really tight squeeze to get all his belongings in.