Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pen-drive Panic.

No photos from today as I'm waiting for a new card for the camera. I had another IT disaster today at work as well. We had our planning afternoon and having finally sorted out all my files and templates into some sort of efficient system the pen drive I use for all my work refused to stay plugged into the lap top. The spring inside wasn't working. I was pretty annoyed about that but luckily Linas has managed to get it into a mini hub that I have at home, (to save me scrabbling around the back of the hard drive box to plug in the camera or my pen drives), and I will at least be able to download everything onto the pc.
The weather has been beautiful and sunny though knowing our luck it won't stay that way for the weekend. Linas came into town today to sigh off from his job seekers allowance as he has got a casual labouring job working for someone who is restoring an old farm. At home the scaffolders have been, Peter only told me last night they were coming, and put up scaffolding to get to the chimneys which are going to be re-rendered before bits start falling off them. There has been a bit of trampling of my plants but there wasn't any choice. Also the other bit of scaffolding is blocking the Sky signal but luckily we are a belt and braces family and the tv in the kitchen works on a terrestial system. We have back up systems for most things here though I drew a line at getting a generator for the few times the power goes down. As it is we have 3 heating systems- oil central heating, oil rayburn and wood burner, We also have 3 cooking systems- oil rayburn, electric hob & microwave and the top of the wood burner makes a good hot plate. Water comes from a bore hole which has enough pressure to provide water even if the electric pump fails and there is still the pipe work from the original gravity fed well up the hill. This makes it sound like we are in the middle of nowhere but it is only 15 mins drive to town, we just like to be prepared. On my Bristol trip I spent a while in the Designers' Guild shop. I didn't find anything to buy but I had to laugh at this giant knitted tea-pot and cup that were on sale. I'm not sure what they were for, children's toys or display objects?
I took a picture of this tea-pot in the museum as I have a couple of old hand painted plates of the same design.

The museum has a collection of Chinese glass and ceramics and I particularly like these ceramic horses. I'm now going to down load everything from my damaged pen drive onto the pc and hopefully buy a pen drive that has a fixed silver thingy.