Very autumnal weather at the moment. Last night we were lulled to sleep by the sounds of a gale blowing through the trees and today it has been sunshine and blustery showers. I drove to work through a cloudburst and back through another one on the way home.
In one direction from the drive I could see lovely blue skies, .....
...... and in the other direction the rain was lashing down. There was a rainbow touching down in the fields just beyond East Down.
At times I could see a double rainbow but it was hard to catch it on camera.
Back home the boys had done a good job of repairing the drive, though the kitchen looked like a typhoon had hit it. All the plants in the garden now look rather windswept even with the sun shining down on them. I'm faced with more paperwork this evening as I try to sort out my weekly time table. There aren't enough hours to fit in everything but I'm not prepared to use my lunch hours listening to individual readers. There are too many other things to do and we already hear them read in small groups. I'll see how I can jiggle the timetable but without a full time classroom assistant for 30 children it's going to be tough.