It's been raining on and off for most of the day which made running across the playground to the staffroom a soggy experience for those of us wearing sandals or in my case crocs. Term hasn't started and already I'm feeling really stressed. While it was great to do the First-Aid course yesterday it did mean the loss of a whole day of classroom preparation. Although I've managed to get my classroom tidy - just, and get the basics up ,I haven't been able to put up any interesting displays or get totally organised for tomorrow morning. I had to leave at 4.30 to take Linas up to the doctors' to get a couple of warts that are on the underside of his finger, treated by the Practice Nurse. I think it'll have to be an early early start tomorrow.
When we got home the rain started coming down in earnest. Over 35mm (in 24 hrs ) on my home made rain gauge. It was as I was taking photos that I realised just how much water was flowing down the hill and into the yard. A few minutes later and it was over the small run off ditch in the yard and heading towards the top of our waste water system, not good.

The water from the whole hillside was pouring right onto the drive and washing away all the gravel and stones. AGAIN.
So we all donned out waterproofs and went outside to deepen the ditches and put in emergency diversion measures. That's wooden beams across the road supplemented by mud dams to send the water sideways onto my neighbour's field. The rain has eased off now but the boys will be out there tomorrow raking back the drive - until the next time.