Saturday, April 11, 2009

Who Needs A Sky Repair Man?

Got up early this morning to take Romas into town to catch his train . There was a frost on the ground and the air was wonderfully clear. On my way home I had to wait at some roadworks and under the sign I saw something moving. At first I thought it was a large rat but then I realised it was a baby rabbit. I grabbed my camera as the lights started changing and its body can just be seen under the S. I drove past slowly because I didn't want it dashing out and getting squashed.

We haven't had satellite tv since the bad weather on Tuesday and the Sky repairman was due to come this afternoon.( Being a belt and braces family we still had digital services on the kitchen tv.) As I was working in the garden I looked up and the reason for the lack of signal was rather obvious. Either the weather or the jackdaws that scramble into the loft at this point, had managed to knock the thingy off the bar.

Later we had a message on the answerphone from the Sky man saying he couldn't find us, (we are actually marked on the ordinance survey map!). By the time Peter phoned him he was halfway across the county and wouldn't be able to return until sometime next week. He did say that if we put the thingy back we'd probably get the signal back

Guess who had to climb up the ladder to fix the satellite dish and I don't like heights, or ladders very much. But it did the trick and we have Sky once more. It looks as if the last repair man didn't put a fixing bolt in the fitting but we'll get Romas to deal with that when he gets home.

As well as painting the porch woodwork and repainting the hanging basket brackets I managed to finish yesterday's weeding task. It had got in a mess because I hadn't been taking care of the lawn edges and a mole had been rampaging about in that area. (Mole is no longer in residence.)

Now it's all a bit tidier.

I decided to look around for colours and shapes to photograph.

A little reminiscent of 'Anaconda' which we watched last night.

Especially once I added some eyes.

This was supposed to be a serious study of shape and colour.