Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sealed Knot Memories.

As part of the general tidying up this holidays I repainted the porch woodwork and cleaned and painted the rusty brackets. I love having hanging baskets around the front door, even this winter selection of plants is nice and cheerful. Because it's so windy I have to have solid plastic baskets with a reservoir at the bottom but they're so old the plastic is stained and looks messy.

My idea was to slot my baskets into something a little newer looking. I found these cones on ebay and once the summer plants are in and growing well over the rims I hope they will make the place look smarter.

I had to collect Romas from the train station late last night on his return from the SK Muster at Basingstoke. He had a great time with Vytas in the Rivers regt pike block. It was meant to be a just a skirmish with about 100 out on the field but over 400 turned up and everyone got plenty of action. Sometimes in the very big battles with several thousand on the field you spend a lot of time getting into position and waiting around. He returned with various battle scars, bruises, and plenty of tales from the battle field and camp ground. Before my 6ft pikeman becomes too macho I thought I'd post these photos from the days when we went as a family.

Romas is the sweet one looking at the camera. This was in 1992 while we were waiting in a park before a grand march through Nottingham to the castle.

This was the same year in Ledbury. Note Vytas' authentic wellies though my version of toddler reins were made from string to look authentic. In the 17th C boys wore dresses until they were about 8 years old. I compromised and had the boys in dresses until they were about 4. Well when else would I get the chance to make bonnets and dresses.