Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring gardening

On a perfect spring afternoon, I was able to spend a couple of hours weeding, mulching, and transplanting lettuce, spinach, and radicchio seedlings. Tomorrow, I really need to pay attention to the meadow and perennial border, but the vegetables -- I guess they're pampered. They need attention, after all, being dependent on gardeners.

The tough meadow plants and native perennials in my borders don't need much attention -- just freeing them from the cloak of weedy winter annuals, too many leaves (from my gardening companion's raking efforts), and a bit of final tidying up of last year's stems.

Hmmm, clearly I take the 'don't be too tidy' prescription for good wildlife gardens to heart. My gardening companion says he's going to mow the 'lawn' tomorrow. It's gotten awfully shaggy, and if we didn't have (almost feral) neighborhood cats, we'd definitely have Eastern Cottontail nests in some of those grassy clumps.