Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lots Of Sun.

The forecast is for rain so that was enough excuse to make today a garden day. It took me most of the day to tidy the front patio; weed, prune , sweep and generally tidy. The lovely sunshine made it seem like a summer's day, almost. I just had to take some time out to sit by the pond and watch the wildlife. Although the pond has a deep layer of mud at the bottom the top 12" were crystal clear and I could see the little tadpoles darting across and the occasional newt gliding like a submarine from one root clump to another. The little beetles and pond skaters created interesting shadows in the water. Around me I could hear the buzzing of bees in the heather, the constant rushing of a stream tumbling down the hillside and the song of many birds. I could have spent most of the day just sitting there but there was work to be done.

There was a lot of thrashing around of tadpoles feeding in the shallow water at the edge of the pond.

This newt had been found by Romas in the flowerbed he was clearing. It was slowly making its way into the water. Romas also relocated a toad and a frog. The frog could be heard calling from the side of the pond.

Romas is practising for the days when he has to avoid the paparazzi.

But I caught him in the end.
The evening has been spent writing up reading records for school. Two weeks should be enough to get my paperwork sorted out.

This horse was having an exciting time out in the field. Sarah had to take him back in beacuse Paul wasn't too happy about the ground being churned up by skidding horse.

This pretty pony came over to say hello. She's 7 years old and is going off to see a stallion so there may be more foals next spring. (Will I still be here?)

Percy was out in the other field with her babysitter. She has to get used to being away from her mum.