Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Want That Dragon.

It's been a day of sunshine and very heavy showers.

I had to go into town in the morning to drop Romas off, (he's away to Bude for band practice/partying), do some shopping and go and get a new prescription for Peter whose symptoms have now spread to his elbows and foot as well as his hand. He had to see Occupational Health at work and with requests from them, his boss and the GP his appointment has been moved up to May, (from August!) and the GP is asking if he could get into an earlier clinic. It's not nice to be in constant pain though he has been using the time to forge ahead with his OU work and is nearly at the end of the maths module. That hasn't been his favourite but I've really enjoyed the algebra, I might not be a natural with IT but I could just sit and do simutaneous equations for fun.

Several years ago I used to see a pair of dragon roof ridge tiles in the window of an architectural antique shop in town. I loved those dragons, I really wanted those dragons ........ but I didn't even have anywhere specific to put them and I knew they would be far out of my price range. So I never bothered to go into the shop and ask the price. Then they dissapeared. Bought , I presumed by someone with a lot of money. Then, just over a week ago I walked past the shop and there was one of the dragons, still there but with a price tag of £195, ouch! That is an awful lot of money.

Four days later I was driving home from school, looked up and saw .......... the other dragon sitting on the roof of a house on the Braunton Road. It's probably been there for the last 2 years.

I have a plan, shan't say any more at the moment but it doesn't involve breaking and entering or climbing a 30 ft ladder in the dead of night.