Good things first, it's been lovely and sunny all day, though chilly in the shade.
Now the not so good- no Easter chocolate! will that man never learn. I had to break into my stash saved for the youngsters. Then, real disaster - I thought I'd take advantage of the good weather and got up early to put the curtain that hangs over my wardrobe alcove, into the washing machine. Now either I've not washed those curtains before or it was on a cold wash because the curtain fabric (a kind of muslin) has shrunk by about 50%. So now I'm going to have to remake mine and Peter's wardrobe curtains. I made similar curtains in the sitting room and they've been in the wash plenty of times so I guess it was bad luck. It's been rather too quiet (I'm never satisfied) without the youngsters around and that's made me feel sad. Final disaster, so far, was the special roast lamb dinner that I cooked. The lamb was horrible , it was either muttony or off. It made all the other roast vegetables taste nasty and left a yukky taste in our mouths. If Tescos had been open today I'd of been there like a shot. As it is I'll be returning said leg of lamb and complaining bitterly tomorrow. There we go, whinge over. A nice wood fire and No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency to watch should make for a pleasant evening.