Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Little Comfort Farm.

We were so lucky with the weather today. After yesterday's downpours we were rather worried about our trip to Little Comfort and West Hill Farms at West Down. We went prepared for rain but had the most wonderful sunny but breezy day.

The farms are 2 small organic farms with dairy cattle, free range hens, pigs and sheep.

The children got to feed the hens and collect eggs. One little girl in my group was terrified of the hens and clung to me in terror every time a hen got anywhere near us.

We had a lovely walk down the hill between the 2 farms. This little lad decided to take up a stunt man career and tipped himself head over heels at least 6 times before I decided that either he or his glasses were in danger of getting damaged and made him walk for a while holding my hands. Most of us agreed that the tractor trailer rides were the best part of the day.