Monday, April 13, 2009


I set off to Tescos armed with receipt, packaging and the lamb joint determined to get some compensation for that rotten meal. (I don't like confrontation.) The customer services lady was very sympathetic and immediately offered me £10 as well as a refund which I thought was fair enough. I accepted with a sigh of relief that I didn't have to start making a fuss, threatening to speak to the local paper etc. Maybe I could have got more compensation but that would have been greedy. On my way home I dropped in at the car boot sale at Pottington. It was the first of the season so there were only about 100 sellers, the field looked rather empty as usually there are 3 or 4 times that number. I bought a couple of army kit bags, big black holdalls that the seller, a squaddie from the local base I presume, assured me you could fit an adult in. Don't ask how he knew. Romas is always lugging drum kit stuff around, stands, cymbals etc so I thought they'd come in useful. I like the fact that as well as the usual handles they have straps to carry them like back packs. Cost for the 2 - £7 which I thought was reasonable.
Looking out over Crow Point across Bideford Bay towards Clovelly.

It's been a grey day with the rain arriving about an hour ago. I had several sessions in the garden and the following photos were part of an exercise called 'Things I can take photos of without moving off this chair.'

It's a challenging exercise especially when a fat black cat, (Patch), wants to come and sit on your lap.