Friday, April 10, 2009

Newts vs Beetle.

I got my school paperwork finished today and managed to spend some of the afternoon outside carrying on with the weeding. While having a tea break by the pond I spotted this large oil beetle, (looked it up in my wildlife book), clambering around by the edge of the water. It set off over the water and when it started to sink I rescued it and returned it to the bank.

The next thing I knew it was back in the water having come to a halt by this blade of grass. I wasn't sure if it was trying to reach dry land, eat the grass or had simply been stopped in its tracks by the obstruction. I watched to see what would happen.
In the depths a newt had spotted the beetle on the surface.

It launched itself for the attack........

......... and grabbed the back of the beetle. A second newt was lurking nearby.

Having escaped from the newts the beetle, which exudes a noxious oil when stressed, made its way to the safety of a leaf.

From where I rescued it and placed it some distance from the pond.

It was dry but not especially sunny this afternoon. Romas has been trimming the hedge and (after this photo was taken) , mown all the grass. He's been earning some spending money to take with him to his first Sealed Knot muster where he can take part in the battle.

And to counteract all that raw nature by the pond here's a planter of pretty saxifrage flowers,

and some cute cats. This is what Squeaky always does to get the cosiest sleeping spot. Surprisingly the other cats never seem to mind. Sometimes if they won't move she arranges herself on top of whoever is in 'her' space.

Had to pop outside to take a photo of this dramatic orange cloud.