Friday, February 12, 2010

Work In Progress.

I've had some fun experimenting with the shells and glass from the beach to see how I can turn them into jewellery. I have remodelled some pieces of jewellery before but I don't have any knowledge of correct techniques so I just try out different ideas to see what works. I quite like these 2 pendants and the earrings and I'm working on an idea for a necklace.
I was playing with the shells this morning because it was cold and grey outside and I was waiting for a phone call. I did go out for half an hour and nailed up some planks that had fallen off the wood shed and of course when I came in there had been a phone call. No problem as I was able to ring them back and sort things out. It was back to school for the afternoon with my youngest class. I enjoy working with them simply because they are so young and new to everything. I ended the day with a story which is my favourite activity as all children respond well to story time. Last year when I had the Reception Class I didn't read the end of day story to them as I had to listen to children read at that time and the teaching assistant had the fun of reading the story to the class.
It was beginning to rain on my way home so I spent the hour before it started to get dark collecting up various logs and bits of dry wood from around the place and cutting them up so we can have a good fire in the sitting room this week-end. The central heating had to go back on full -time when the temperature dropped but it doesn't reach the sitting room and it gets rather chilly in here. It's half-term now, a whole week off, so hopefully I'll be able to tick off a few more of the jobs on my massive gardening list.