Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Gardening Day.

Today is the first day of the half-term holiday. 10 days to really get to grips with the garden. We had spells of sunshine so it was quite pleasant working outside. On of the jobs completed today was cutting back the santolina bushes that grow in the top of the stone wall by the front door. All through the winter they have added interest with their blue grey foliage and sandy button seed heads but now it is time to cut them right back. At the moment they look like a row of spiky hedgehogs but the new growth is already bursting from the buds ready to grow into tidy round bushes.
These celandines are officially wildflowers but I'm happy to let them grow in a rather wet bed providing an early splash of sunshine before the astilbes and alchemilla take over.

After a hard day's graft in the garden it was nice to see a touch of gold in the sky before the sun finally set.