Monday, February 8, 2010

More Weeding.

Winter flowering jasmine.
Today was a little colder once more. That wasn't such a bad thing because the rain fell as hail and I was able to carry on working outside for the whole day with plenty of layers under my old gardening coat. I finally got the hillside weeded helped by my secret weapon, a heavy duty extra large 12" screw driver. It is handy for digging straight down to get out the tap roots of things like dandelions but its main function today was removing the heads and roots of bracken in between and often far under the big rocks. Bracken looks so delicate when it is a small seedling but leave it a year or two and it turns into a fist sized lump that seems welded to the rocks ready to sprout massive fronds that cover the garden plants.
The cold kept the frogs quiet for the morning but later in the afternoon a few were croaking. When I walked by the pond there were so many that some couldn't get into the mud quickly and had to freeze hoping I wouldn't notice them even though the water was crystal clear. The first mass of frog spawn has appeared, it probably won't survive as we can get cold spells right up till March.
The jackdaws are still hanging around . I 'shot' at them several times so they kept their distance circling around every now and again to see if I was still there, which I was.
No gardening tomorrow as I've got to go into work mid-morning.