Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chilly Morning.

It was even colder this morning with a thick layer of frost on the ground.
Once again the pond was frozen over,

... and the early frogspawn has been hit by the cold.
I opted for some active work outside, cutting down a 15ft willow tree that had been left unattended for 2 years, and getting to grips with more brambles. Being mindful of my back I tried to use brains rather than brawn and made use of a fork, prising underneath and levering from every angle before dragging out those prickly fiends. I now have a very large heap of brambles and twigs ready for burning next week if the weather stays dry.
This afternoon I was back at school with my class of 4 year olds. I am beginning to pick up their names and to know which ones to rein in before they get too boisterous. In this age group we are expected to assess them through observing the things they do and say during child initiated activities so even when playing a little board game with one group I was making notes on other children. One little boy was playing 'mums and dads' in the home corner with 2 friends. He came over to me and told me he was the dad and that he was going to do the ironing (which he did), it sounds like he has a good role model at home.
Despite being rather cold it was bright and sunny today. It is so good to see blue skies.

The sunshine wiped the greyness from the countryside and gave it a golden glow instead.