Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Brambles Fight Back.

It was rather chilly this morning but even so I had the urge to get out into the garden and do something at least for an hour before I had to get ready for school. I chose the very satisfying and warming task of cutting back and pulling up the brambles growing into the blackcurrant bushes and in the little wild woodland area at the top of the garden. The brambles have got their revenge as my back is twinging from too much twisting and pulling.

My first class at school was another reception class, it is the first time I've taught them and there are a few lively ones in that bunch! That was only for an hour and in the afternoon I was back with my regular Year 1 class. I had completely forgotten that most of the afternoon would be taken up with a theatre company coming in to give a performance of 'Pinocchio'. Unfortunately I ended up sitting right under a loudspeaker. And it was very loud, quite a few children cried and several had to be taken out of the hall to the quiet of the office. The actors were miked up which I think is unnecessary in a small hall with 120 kids, it's so much better when they use their voices properly. The majority of the kids enjoyed it as it was loud pantomime style action but it wasn't the best theatre performance I've seen at school. I got dragged out to the front to perform a silly dance with one of the actors which the kids thought was hilarious. Perhaps it was pay back for the fact that I had to go right from the front to the back of the hall to go out and make a phone call from the office to sort out something that had happened between 2 children. Or maybe even though I was the oldest there they thought that someone who has her hair in plaits and wears bright pink crocs is probably up for a laugh. I didn't mind.

There was quite a pretty sunset this evening. I'm still finding it a bit hit and miss with my sky photos so I take a selection and hope that some are clear. The camera has a landscape setting which I presume gives a greater depth of field but I really ought to read the manual that came with the software. It's just that I prefer to look at real booklet, Luddite that I am.

In general the countryside is looking drab in shades of greyish green and greyish brown. The new leaves usually start to appear in the first week of April. A little sunshine wouldn't go amiss.