Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Frog He Would A Wooing Go.

All week long, as I've been working outside , the frogs have been croaking away in the pond. As soon I wander over to have a look they disappear into the mud with a great flurry of amphibian limbs. Today I crept up the steps and got some photos of them ........ doing what frogs do in the spring. As well as their croaking the air has been full of the sound of bird song; the high pitched chinking of finches, the melodious song of the blackbird and many others & of course the mad quacking of the call duck. My constant presence outside is annoying the jackdaws who keep moving from one side of the house to another but keeping a safe distance so they won't be 'shot'. Once in a while a scout would fly over but there I was , on my hands and knees, weeding on the hillside. How long I wonder before they decide to go and nest somewhere else? It's been another sunny day so I got plenty of work done. In order to motivate myself I wrote a list on my kitchen whiteboard, of all the various tasks that need doing in the garden. By the time I had finished I wasn't so much motivated as horrified by the length of the list. Perhaps it'll be better when a few more things have been ticked off. In general I like lists especially when I can work my way through them. I have this desire to get things DONE but I am very easily diverted from the task in hand so having that goal in front of me does help. Looking forward to an evening of easy tv by a nice wood fire.
One annoying thing today. Along with our letters the postman delivered a card from the Post Office. This card tells us that a letter could not be delivered because it did not have sufficient postage paid. I have to pay the excess on line before they will deliver the letter. The fee for this is £1. And the underpayment was ....... 8p, someone must be a real 'job's worth' to hold a letter back for such a nominal ammount.